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 Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD

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Number of posts : 26
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Registration date : 2010-12-02

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptyFri 22 Jul 2011, 3:43 am

Hi Cyclone,

This is the first time that I stumbled on your 'blog'. You seem to be one of those people who I'm immediately drawn to ( a little deep huh) lol.

I think it's fantastic that you and hubby are doing this together. I am concerned what this will do to my partner, don't get me wrong he is very supportive. He is not as overweight as me, however he would qualify surgery. We often talk about how me having the surgery will help him change his eating patterns as well ... now that I am on my VLCD, I'm finding that he is eating worse. I make a very healthy dinner and he will smother it with tomato sauce and butter. If I don't cook and have a shake, he will have a couple of pies. I have not said anything yet, I will just see how we go in the coming months.

Sorry to hear about your two friends ... it's their loss. It is rather confronting when realise who your friends are. I recently found out when I had a baby. I'm a 36 year old professional and the majority of my friends are work related, but when I couldn't 'do' what I usually 'do' ... you know the rest.

I have been very upfront about my surgery including at work. I actually told everyone about it during a Toastmasters session. I started with my life story about my weight battle (not a dry eye in the house) and the surgery was my closing. I asked for understanding and support and was very surprised by the positive reaction. I'm guessing there will be some talk behind me back ... but they don't pay my bills or have my gorgeous son to be a role model for.

Looking forward to your future blogs ... and I'm going to have a look at hubby's stir fry receipe.

Best of luck for your weight loss ... and if you are still interested ... my selfish 'what I'm most looking forward to' is being able to shop til I drop in Thailand. My favourite animal is a Giraffe.

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Number of posts : 12
Age : 40
Location : Perth, Western Australia
Registration date : 2011-04-23

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptyWed 20 Jul 2011, 6:14 am

Hey Cath!

Thanks dudette - love your avatar! :P

Awww, thats really kind of you - thanks! If only i could find a job that I could use this skill...(but minus the spelling mistakes which i only noticed after i'd hit send... DOH! :P )
I do like to type... sometimes i tend to get a little carried away, as you may be able to tell :D

To be honest, i'm really surprised (and happy) that the weightloss has come off the way it has so far - I lost 5kg pre-op with the VLCD, and i've been so stoked that the weight has come off as it has so far. I hope it keeps going on a gradual decline, but it's a major encouragement to work hard; i'm excited!
I know you will get there, i know you will; you'll have hard days, you have fantastic days - but it'll all be worth it.

You are right matey, very right - i found out from a friend who has had the same procedure done, she had the same reaction from someone she knew.. so it was nice to be re-assured it wasnt something I had done (or not done?).
In the end - in my eyes, it really does come down to quality, not quantity... and major life events always seem to re-inforce the relationships you should nurture and appreciate (moreso than you already do), and the ones that may not be as shiney and awesome as they appear.

I am lucky - I've got to admit my husband is a trooper, and he's my very best friend. He's now almost 6 weeks post op, and has almost lost 30kg; im so proud of him, he's been a tough little cookie and really is amazing. He's been dealing with his own surgery recovery and post op progression, as well as being supportive of me; now that's something that i am so grateful for.

With all surgery there are risks - but there are also risks to walking out the door every day. I really hope for you that in time your husband has a change of heart - its a huge thing to do, and you should be very proud of yourself; for the strength you are finding in yourself, and that you have made a commitment to making your future a healthier and happier one. Im the end, the only person you should ever do it for is yourself, and we'll (myself and alot of other people on here) be there to support you the whole way if you want us to be!

Oh love, i am so sorry to hear your story. I can sorta relate in a way...we had a few obsticles and hesitations from our immediate family - as they honestly couldnt quite understand the pro's and cons, the bits and pieces we needed to do and why pure hard work wouldnt just do the trick...
Never fear, you aren't alone! :D Finding this site will be the best thing you did; everyone seems to be so lovely and supportive - and almost any question you have, you'll be able to find an answer on here.

Thankyou so much; i dont ever remember being 75-80kg, and its rather a scary thought, as im not a small framed chick at all (damn shoulders!), but i'm excited - and I know you will do awesome too! I cant wait to see how you go; I think you'll be amazed :)

Keep that chin of yours up - things may get hard, but if you dont try and take some risks sometimes, how are things ever meant to change? :) We're all special creatures kiddo, we just need to be reminded of that from time to time - so here's your reminder :D

Best Wishes Always;
Stace (CyclonicGecko)
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Part of the furniture

Number of posts : 251
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Registration date : 2011-06-25

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptyWed 20 Jul 2011, 5:43 am

Hi cyclonic gecko (cool name),

Thanks for your lovely was so well written. Now I can see why I failed english at high school!!

I am so encouraged by your weight loss in such a small amount of time. I am only 1 week post op but am so looking forward to getting under 100 as soon as I can.

Sorry to hear about some of your friends, but in the end maybe its for the best as they can't have been true friends who stick by you through anything. Anyway it sounds like youve got a great supportive husband by your side which musy help.

Mine was totally against me having surgery for a variety of reasons and I didnt tell any of my friends or family, so feel pretty alone at times. This forum has been a god send for me in that sense.

Anyways keep up the good work...I think you will make goal in record time!
Love Cath x
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Number of posts : 12
Age : 40
Location : Perth, Western Australia
Registration date : 2011-04-23

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Ahoy hoy! Im still around... Sorry its been so long!   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptyWed 20 Jul 2011, 5:07 am

Heyyyy guys!

Sorry its been soo long since I put up a post - we've had alot going on in our neck of the woods, as well as both my husband and I having our sleeve op.

I have some absolutely awesome news - for the first time in my adult life.. (damn, reallistically since early highschool) - i'm down to double digits for my weight!!!!
"Do a little dance, make a little lurveee.... Get down tonight! Get down tonight!" Ok, celebration dance is over, but for me, this is a brilliant achievement, and am so very proud of myself.

I'm at work atm (2nd week back), so this post will be short and sweet- having the surrgery done was the very best decision I have made, and having it done along side my husband, TipTop, has made it so much easier. I wanna thank him for his support and encouragement, and just for being truely awesome - I did the surgery not only for me and my health, but to know i'll have a long and happy future with him. you ar elooking absolutely amazing, and the changes in the way you feel and act, as wll as in how you look, are truely admirable :D You were handsom and sexy when I married you; I'm gonna have to keep you in the freezer to stop you from burning up when you hit your goal weight! Either that, or carry a big stick to ward off all the ladies :P

Yeah, we do have great days and the not so great - but you know what? I'm 4 weeks post surgery this week, and I've never felt better and healthier in a good 7-12 years. Straight after surgery, Dr cohen cut down all my meds; i am down to 1/2 galvumet, a blood pressure tablet and a tablet of singulair for my asthma (as im allergic to asprin and substances/foods containing it).

I've seen both my specialists since my op, and they have been utterly gobsmacked by such brilliant results so quickly. They said within 6 months, they see me being off all my meds, bar the one for my asthma - talk about music to my ears!

I have had some interesting reactions from 'friends' - two of my closest friends no longer wish to have contact with me in any way shape or form, ironically both saying they 'wish to cut ties', which made me so extremely sad...
One is getting married next year (and was a bridesmaid of mine last year); and she wants nothing to do with me; she got so upset that i wanted to get the surgery done before her wedding... I only wanted to get it done as soon as I could for health reasons, not for any other reasons, which seems to be her justification for her reaction in her mind. She asked why I didnt get it done before my own wedding (and she was furious that I didnt), and i said at the time, we simply didnt know how to afford it - plus, my husband and I got marreid because we love eachother no matter wether we are bigger or smaller, and didnt want to wait years on end like some of our friends.
The other friend of mine came out with her reaction out of the blue as well; after seeing a new photo i posted on facebook; and getting some really lovely comments from friends. I'm not on there very often, and rarely post photos - but there was a semi school reunion 2 weeks after my op that I couldnt go to - so i thought it was a good time to put up a new pic. She's a bigger lady and i have always loved her for who she is - it just makes me sad that I havent changed in my personality.. yet something has prompted people to show their true colours. After big talks with two close friends (Sami J & Lisa), my husband and my parents - it seems to be that people dont like change, and that some people do happen to have a subconcious tendancy to keep people around that make them feel better in themselves, which can be derived in either a positive or a negative way. It makes me sad to think that some of my friend kept me around becaise I was bigger and less healthy than them, which made themselves feel better about themselves. Ive never, ever judged people on their looks, and never will; if you have a beautiful soul and personality, with only the best intentions at heart for people - that is what makes you a gorgeous person to be around, which enriches the lives of others.

People who were aquaintences have been extremely supportive, friends who weren't necessarily so close have become very near and dear, and some have sadly distanced themselves. I know friendships ebb and flow at times; and ive done my best to explain how and why myself and my husband chose to hav ethe surgery - and i would do it all over again with the same reactions and results if i could. My personality will never change, its far too deeply engrained in me, and im proud of who i am no matter what size i am; my confidence may grow, but i will never forget the life experiances i've had - being both bigger and slowly getting smaller; it is amusing and frustrating to see the human reaction in people.

I know my dear friend Lisa will come across this (well, I hope she does) and I want to give you, my dear lady, a most massive hug and let you know just how very appreciative I am of your love, support, advice and encouragement. You weren't only my teacher who influenced my life in some of the biggest ways possible, but you have become my friend and are still someone who i highly respect and admire. You knew me sicne I was 5 or 6, and i'm 27 now - i really hope you are so proud of the person you helped shape and develop over all these years; as I'm just as proud of you as I was back in Year 1.

Thankyou to everyone on here for your help, support and advice prior to my surgery, and my hugest apologies for not being back sooner to give you all details on how things rolled along. I really wnat to give back as much as I have recieved, because it was a MASSIVE help for me :)
I will make much more of an effort to be around and answer questions now that things have settled down :)

Hope you are all well, and make sure you keep smiling :)

Until next time.. :)
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amanda O'D
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amanda O'D

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Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptyWed 27 Apr 2011, 2:58 pm

add to your opti fast for dinner a huge bowl of green vegies lightly stirfry them with some onion and garlic bit of soy and you will feel like you have had some real food and the hunger pains will stay away, the way it has been explained to me is anything green is free to eat as much as you like, just dont blame me if your nose starts twitching when you get to close to lettuce :)


p.s i have a the makings of a small zoo with a dog (thorin a maltese x) a cat, 3 cockateils and a rainbow lorikeet and several fish, but i'd love a squirrel or an owl (not an animal i know but i have a thing for them)
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Number of posts : 12
Age : 40
Location : Perth, Western Australia
Registration date : 2011-04-23

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptyWed 27 Apr 2011, 12:29 pm

Having one of those days when the body wont stop growling and the emotions are in overdrive.
Tiptop's doing really well to live with me at the moment; i'm hoping in a few days this crappy feeling and subsequent moods will pass. So hungry, but atleast the pangs are not too long lasting... night times are the worst. Any suggestions to help make this time abit easier..? I knw it has to get hard before it gets better, my body feels like it's gonna turn itself inside out, or errupt like a volcano.

Raining like hell (sounds like hail?! wtf?!), really love this wintery weather; gonna go curl with with tiptop and the dogs n watch a movie... optifast soup for dinner, here I come...!
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Part of the furniture

Number of posts : 694
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Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptyTue 26 Apr 2011, 3:37 pm

thanks for an awesome and detailed reply, and hey whats wrong with nitro harleys there are pretty kool, whats even more kool is the topfuelers at the drags those things are insane 4.5secs to do a 1/4mile, i've been around bikes for ever the sound of a nice harley roaoring up the street, jeez makes a guy jizz in his pants, and also proud to see you out there on a bike.

Regards Luke
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Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptyTue 26 Apr 2011, 10:34 am

Hi There CyclonicGecko. Great posts.
The thing I really look forward to after my Sleeve and after losing most of my excess weight is: Going on a great holiday to a Tropical Island and feeling confident to relax in my cosies on the beach/at the pool with the family. Can't wait.
Would love to see you on the June 2011 Monthly Sleevers Thread.
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Number of posts : 19
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Registration date : 2011-03-16

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptyTue 26 Apr 2011, 6:04 am

Hey gorgeous !

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD 473426
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Part of the furniture

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Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptyMon 25 Apr 2011, 6:59 am

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD 63412 Hi and welocme to another west aussie : )) I am having my surgery in perth on may the 10 th by Jon Armstrong and must say now I am getting pretty nervous omg two weeks tomorrow!! Its great that you and your hubby are going thru this together.
Good luck to you both for your new lives

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Number of posts : 12
Age : 40
Location : Perth, Western Australia
Registration date : 2011-04-23

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re : Loving Your Style   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptyMon 25 Apr 2011, 4:12 am

Heyya KellyJ!

Humor makes the world a better place :oD Feel free to tag along; I do write random stuff and ask random qustions; that's just me :P You'd cop exactly the same in person, so why should I change now? :P

Arrr dude, your hubby is a strong guy; and im sure that the end result he knows will be completely worth it :) He'll learn to keep up with you (gives a new meaning to the term of guys chasing girls, hey? hehehe)

That sounds like a brilliant plan! I'm glad you are that co-ordinated :P I know for a fact i'd have an opening for an awesome kick, miss the ball and faceplant into the sand :P Haha, makes me giggle just picturing it :PYour bosy and husband will be so proud of you. I hoe we can see some pics of you for inspiration when you get your awesome new suit; the brighter the better, hold on world! :oD

Hehehe, i totally agree! They are pretty cute, and would definately draw some attention :P I wrote a massive reply on to luke's, so probably by now you've already read my bits and pieces :P

Before i wear my fingers down to nubs; im gonna log off. I'll write again soon :oD

Enjoy the sunshine - Stace
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Number of posts : 12
Age : 40
Location : Perth, Western Australia
Registration date : 2011-04-23

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptyMon 25 Apr 2011, 4:04 am

Heyyyy man! :oD Hows things?!

Mmmmmm, a man with the taste for bikes, very awesome! TipTop (aka Tony) and I both love bikes. Ive got a gold metallic flake ZZR250, my baby beast which i swore i'd never part with; and Tony had a gorgeous Honda Shadow, which he had for a year or two, but sold for our wedding as we needed some extra cash nope, i didnt push him to do it, for anyone who is reading this.. how could i be a hypocrite when i wont part with my own bike). I'm hoping in time we'll be able to get him another bike... wether it comes before or after a house is another thing :P
The 'freedom' and excitement of riding is the best feeling ever.. and god fuel ecconomy is a big added bonus; i definately reccomend it, but please, for the love of any kind of god, don't make it into an exceptionaly barky beast that makes everyone's car alarms go off and almost shatters their windows. We have one guy around us that has one, and god it annoys the utter crap out of us at 11pm at night :P
The nice growl of a harley is really nice, but when its taken to a level that barely ressembles a street bike, more like a nitro harley, thats not overly cool and plus, you'll go deaf by the age of 40 (ive seen this point proven) :P
When you get your bike, which i know in time you will - gotta make sure you have a ride round and show her to us :P Mmmmm, ROADTRIP!!!! :oD

I dunno if i'd trut myself on a dirt bike; i see me making good friends with trees, rocks and fencing :P I'll leave that one up to you i think :P

Awww that's so awesome to hear; dogs really are man's best friend :oD My little pup, well, really, she's 8 or 9 now; has seen me through some of the very best and very worst of my times. She's a Kelpie cross Ridgeback pound puppy, Loki, that I rescued when I very first moved out of home; I'd never had a dog before her. It's going to leave a massive hole in my life when she isnt here with me anymore, but hopefully that wont be for a long time yet :) When I met Tony, she got a 'brother from another mother' - Schooner, his Golden Retriever. It's so awesome to see them running amuck and playing around; my arms are grateful to have a reprieve from her claws from when we used to wrestle :P

Hmmm.. answering my own questions is a hard task :P There's kinda a couple of things..

First of all, it'll be nice just to be healthy and for the first time in a long time, be very comfortable in my own skin. That is my main goal. I want to be proud of the person I see in photos that are taken; because more often than not, they look so very very different. I can feel happy and funky when I look in the mirror after spending time to get ready, but someone can take a picture not even an hour later.. and that's not the person i remember seeing get ready. I want to look nice for myself, and for tony. I want him to be proud of me and for being with me, even more so than he already is (i hope).

At some stage down the line, I'd also like to renew my vows with tony - just something small, and no where near as formal as our actual wedding, but to mark the starting of the new 'us's' , and a chance to say thankyou to those people who have shown their true colours and support for us. No matter how we look, i'll always love him, and i hope he'll love me - its just so exciting to know life will be so much easier and fun in so many ways.

There's a Vogue Teknic Jacket and Pants set that looks freaking mint, that I would love to buy. Tony took me to a bike store a month or so ago to try one on, as ive been chasing around forever, and seen pics of bigger people wearing them online - but they only go to the equivilant of a size 12 in pants and a size 14 or 16 in jackets :S Wether it be this set or not, I really would like to get a set of protective gear for my bike. It never really bothered me before I met Tony, and used to ride around in just jens and a shirt - which i still will from time to time - but i know he worries, and it would make me sad to end up in hospital for weeks or months on end, i really dont like those places at all. Ive really had enough of them to last me 2 lifetimes :P

I'd like to buy a nice, fitted dress, that I feel a million bucks in and doesnt cost a fortune, to have a nice night out - wether it be going to somewhere special like Devile's Pad with close friends and family as a celebration (man, that place is awesome), or to the Lexus ball for a once in a life time special event like Tony and I have spoken about.

My favourite animal... now thats hard. I love all animals; i'd have a minagery if possible! :P Horses, dogs, cats, lizards, ferrets, tea cup piglettes, red pandas... that's kinda the top of my list :P Snakes arent overly awesome to me; granted, they are technically lizards without legs, but they creep me out; i think its coz they are super quiet (what if they got out?!) and i cant read any emotion from them :P

Enjoy the sunny day - Stace
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Number of posts : 12
Age : 40
Location : Perth, Western Australia
Registration date : 2011-04-23

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Top of the mornin' Janette!   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptyMon 25 Apr 2011, 3:28 am

Now that is the kinda news I love to hear! Congratulations matey! Kep a seat in the fast lane for me, I'm hoping I wont be too far behing you! :oD

By the sounds of things, you have had the procedure done? Can i ask details... how long? by who? and what was the time frame like that you started to see less symptoms of any conditions / sicknesses you had? I have to admit, thats one thing that makes me go "hmmm.."; Dr Cohen mentioned about not being on many of my medications when I leave hospital; that's only about 3 days?? I thought it would take the body gradual period to adjust???

What is/was he one thign you wanted to treat yourself to when you hit your goal weight?

Love and warm wishes - Stace :)
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Number of posts : 12
Age : 40
Location : Perth, Western Australia
Registration date : 2011-04-23

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Hey Temptest!   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptyMon 25 Apr 2011, 3:23 am

Thankyou so very much for your support :oD Its really nice and comforting to hear so many people banding together to support eachother. Soemimes its a sruggle to get friends and family on board with the idea, but yet strangers seem to have more of a sympathetic and empathetic outlook :oD

Hope your trade went well yesterday :P With spending less on food, im hoping that equates to more shopping - so i'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you :P
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Number of posts : 12
Age : 40
Location : Perth, Western Australia
Registration date : 2011-04-23

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Morning Gottarhyme :)   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptyMon 25 Apr 2011, 3:19 am

Good morning lovely lady (well, 10am is my kinda morning anyhow, hehehe)

Hahaha, awww yeah we're not bad :P We certainly have our moments like all couples, but humor makes the world a better place, thats for sure :oD

Now that will be fun! I gotta admit, it'll make something possible and others alot easier! :P Oooohhh the possibilities...the lingerie! Reow! :oD
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Number of posts : 123
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Registration date : 2011-04-04

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Loving your style!!   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 11:21 am

HA Ha! I love your humour, am looking forward to sharing this journey with you in cyber space!!

Hmm....In response to your questions I would have to say I am most looking forward to buying a pair of bright sexy swimmers from a Billabong Surf shop and playing soccer with my boys in them on the beach! AND being happy to go all night on top...I'm most athletic where it counts but God it's just uncomfortable with each and very extra kilo these days. Lately I have total fear that my husband won't make it through the ordeal!

Hmmm, my favourite animal, the Igran from Avatar. I want one. I would so love to be Tarook-Makto! Better than riding a Pterosaur!

What about you?
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Part of the furniture

Number of posts : 694
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Registration date : 2011-02-14

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: random questions   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 7:26 am

Hi in reply to your random questions, I'd Love to Ride A Harley Davidson ever since ive been young i love motor bikes i had two dirt bikes as a kid, but as i grew older and larger and money not permitting between jobs. i would love to cruise the country roads on a harley. Favourite animal is a dog, a jack russell, my bestest friend has 2 and i adore them,when i own my own place.i will have one, one day.

Ohh and i want to reverse this, i want to ask you these 2 questions.

Regards luke, hope we get some rain too.
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Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 2:19 am

Hi and welcome

Love the title of this thread.........sickie to fighting fit, LOL thats me!!
I have transformed myself from a sickie, not being to work full time, to happy, fit and healthy.
Loving life, love being normal.

Good luck with your journey's.

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD 217555 Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD 217555
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Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 2:18 am


Congratulations on the decision and good luck on the journey.

Now enough talk of rain, I have the shop open today and want people to come in and throw great gobs of money at me and they won't do that if it rains LOL

Hugs Gail
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Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 2:00 am

You guys are such a fun couple!

As you both get skinnier and skinnier, you will lose each other in the bed! LOL!
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Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Hi sassysmum :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 1:42 am

Hey there, thanks for your kind words :oD

I admit, i am really lucky to have my husband going through this together. We are only very new newly weds, and have been together for 3 years this year -it's been an awesome whirlind of fun, excitement and change :oD Since the wedding, and also telling only some of those we considered to be close friends about the impending surgery (even when it was still in the ideas and investigation stage), it has really made us see who our true friends are. In some aspects it is kind of sad - to see that some of the oldest friends we've had really werent very supportive, then friends that we dont see all that often have been very supportive, concerned and excited for us; and we've even heard more from then since everyone has come about. Funny how life works sometimes, hey? :)

Whats the one thing you are really looking forward to treating yourself with when you are down to your goal weight, or what was your 'prize' if you have already done the hard yards?
And, what's you're favourite kind of animal? (arrr, my randon 'getting to know you' questions.. always good for a laugh if nothing else :P )

Have a brilliant easter, watch this space :oD
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Number of posts : 12
Age : 40
Location : Perth, Western Australia
Registration date : 2011-04-23

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Gday Kellyj! Avid supporter of Team Newlyweds :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 1:35 am

Heyyy chickster!!

Yanno, its the first time i've ever spoken to someone else who has PCOS and knows how much of the pits it can be; esp some of the doctors,cough,jerks,cough we have to deal with. I swear, one day i'd love to meet one who's actually been through it, so they know how to handle the people and their situation! I cant wait for the way i can walk into my specialists surgery and go, "hi, you told me to go lose weight, so i did - thanks for nothing!" :P Ahhhh, that really feels soothng, and thats just the thought of it! :P

Wow, that's alot of ops to go under, you poor thing! But, the best news is that it helped, wooohooo!!! Seriously, ive gotta ask, how do you handle 3 boys?! :P That's absolutely brilliant to hear, maybe there's hope for us yet! Even before we look at having kids, im really looking forward to enjoying life for a while, feeling faaaabulous darrrrling. Ive never been of smaller proportion except in my pre-teen years; bring it on! :oD

Sounds like you have a really supportive doc - you make sure you keep ahold of them :P Its nice that after years of the struggle and strain that they reccomend it... i am really purplexed that they dont mention it earlier, its not like its something that's been only around for a few years, or still in testing phase; like Dr Cohen said in our seminar, gastric surgery shouldnt be the first option, but it definately shouldnt be the last; maybe drs outside of the field are reluctant to acknowledge it still or something? BAH! I seriously cant work it out... :S Anyhow, I am so very very proud of you, and you have given me a HEAP of hope and excitement :oD

My question for this week, that i'm gonna ask each person I reply to is .. Whats the one thing you are really looking forward to treating yourself with when you are down to your goal weight?
And, what's you're favourite kind of animal? (arrr, my randon 'getting to know you' questions.. always good for a laugh if nothing else :P )

I'll be around before easter is over; make sue you stay dry and safe; i'll write another part of my saga tomorrow or tuesday. I apologise in advance for my somewhat lame sense of humor :P

Have a brilliant day, talk to you soon! :oD
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Number of posts : 12
Age : 40
Location : Perth, Western Australia
Registration date : 2011-04-23

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Hey Jacko!   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptySun 24 Apr 2011, 1:21 am

Nice to meet you buddy! Congrats on the weightloss, thats bloody awesome! :oD I am so stoked for you, every loss is a plus, and you should be so proud of yourself :)

That is very cool that your family is into lacrosse - it's been a long long time since i've met anyone who actually knows what it is, besides from the American Pie movie.

My question for this week, that i'm gonna ask each person I reply to is .. Whats the one thing you are really looking forward to treating yourself with when you are down to your goal weight?
And, what's you're favourite kind of animal? (arrr, my randon 'getting to know you' questions.. always good for a laugh if nothing else :P )

Have a brilliant easter, i'll talk/write to you before its through no doubt :oD

Keep smiling, enjoy the gorgeous weather we have today - I hope it rains more!
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Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptySat 23 Apr 2011, 11:29 pm

How fantastic to have a traveling buddy with you on this journey, and especially your husband. You are blessed. Welcome and we look forward to further blogs.
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Number of posts : 123
Age : 44
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Registration date : 2011-04-04

Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD   Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD EmptySat 23 Apr 2011, 10:39 am

Hey CyclonicGeko,

Ahhhh your story resonated well with me. I have had PCOD for as long as I can remember, with the same "just lose weight" blah blah blah. And I tell you what, sitting across from some slender biologically perfect woman as she explained how I should eat brought out the most aggressive part of my nature!

I had four operations for my PCOD and endometriosis and was told repeatedly that I would never have kids. Fortunately I have THE most fertile husband on the planet and we now have three gorgeous - albeit chaotic - little boys. I'm booked in July for my sleeve, but at present trying to see if we can bring it forward.

AAAAAnyway, just wanted to say, I know how you feel, I've been a guineapig and tried the next 'best thing' every time it came out. I recently became peri-menopausal because of the PCOD, at 31! My Doctor believes adamantly that this is the solution I need to stop years of battling hormones, hair and weight. So here's to making the last stand, like the chubby version of the X-men! I've got my claws out ready to transform and make magic, it's great you joined the team!! Keep on with your story, I love hearing it, and GO TEAM NEWLYWEDS! How cool is that!!
Life is what you make it - and I wanna make my brilliant! Transition from sickie to fighting fit :oD 50622
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