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 Overeating Post Operation

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Registration date : 2010-05-19

Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyFri 28 May 2010, 7:05 am

Thanks Terri and Jodie - Jodie, your results are fantastic. - Well done
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Number of posts : 179
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Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyThu 27 May 2010, 11:50 pm


I was (love using past tense) a type 2 diabetic. I am almost 5 weeks post surgery and my BSL's straight after surgery were really good. Surgon said to start taking metformin when at home and eating again. But my BSL's have not gone above 6 usually 5 to 5.5 now. GP did say metform will not cause hypo so could still take them, but as levels are normal without it I am off them. Dr is still going to continue 3 monthly HB1Ac test for 6 months to see. I am amazed at how quickly things have imporoved with the diabeties. Good Luck.


Overeating Post Operation Weight

Starting Weight: 140kg
Pre Surgery: 131kg
Current Weight: 120.3kg
First Goal: 99kg
Ultimate Goal: 76kg
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Part of the furniture

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Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyThu 27 May 2010, 11:17 am

Hi fathatter, give my best to your wife, pleased to here she's resolved her reflux problems lets hope it doesn't continue. Terri
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Number of posts : 52
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Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyThu 27 May 2010, 10:25 am

Wife just come home from the lap band removal. She was having problems with reflux. Interestingly,
she had developed a bulge just above the Lap Band which is what caused the problem. Op took 2.5 hours which is very long but all good now. If others have reflux problems, talk to your surgeon.
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Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyWed 26 May 2010, 5:09 am

If you do as you should and feed yourself an unblanced plate which is basicly mostely protien you should have no problems at all keeping up the majority of your muscle. I would suggest you even look at suplementing your meals wtith a protien shake or 2 until you are up there at 100grams of protien a day.

If you are on insuline you will have to watch very carefully the levels as you lower your food intake. If you are just on tablets you should do it with ease, just eat half your food take tablet eat the other half of your food, and keep a bottle of unsweetened orange juice around.

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Part of the furniture

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Registration date : 2009-10-13

Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyWed 26 May 2010, 3:08 am

Great Eternlslady,, I wasn't to sure about the other surgeries and having had a lapband, you think I would know it doesn't work on them lol... My GP and surgeon are both confident I will be going of my meds after the op.. really looking forward to that. Terri
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Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyWed 26 May 2010, 2:47 am

Quote :
In this case they were specifically referring to roux-en-y, but I would imagine it applys to all wls.

Almost, but not quite. The lap band doesn't have the same effect. The sleeve isn't quite as good as a bypass, but it does have really great results amongst diabetic patients.
(My surgeon actually gave me some statistics but I think I have lost my info pack from the seminar where I scribbled them down)

In any case, the sleeve is a good choice for people with Type 2 diabetes because in a lot of cases they come off medication.
Quote :
Conclusions Our data show that LSG and LRYGBP result in a similar rate of type 2 DM resolution at 4-months after surgery. Moreover, our data suggest that mechanisms beyond weight loss may be implicated in DM resolution following LSG and LRYGBP.
(ie. The sleeve is as effective as the bypass in treatment of diabetes and it's not just the weight loss that makes the difference)

If you type in "diabetes sleeve" you can see there have been a few studies on it.
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Part of the furniture

Number of posts : 415
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Location : morley W.A.
Registration date : 2009-10-13

Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyWed 26 May 2010, 2:36 am

Hi FattHatter, wish your wife all the best from me, I was there in Feb, lapband free and get sleeved soon.

In answer to your ??? re diabetes and food, I was reading just recently that diabetes becomes controllable almost immediately after surgery, and they are not too sure why yet, but if you google your ?? there is a lot of info on the net. I found the following on It was in the conclusion at bottom of page. In this case they were specifically referring to roux-en-y, but I would imagine it applys to all wls.

Gastric bypass is a well accepted means of weight loss for morbidly obese patients and has been proven to improve or even cure diabetes. The best outcomes come from centers that have expert surgeons who specialize in the procedure.

After gastric bypass, diabetes improves rapidly. Because of weight loss during the first 6-12 months postoperatively, insulin sensitivity continuously improves, requiring frequent follow-up.

Patients with diabetes treated with oral agents often cease all oral hypoglycemic agents as early as the immediate postoperative period.

Insulin needs commonly decrease by half or lower even before patients leave the hospital.

Close follow-up postoperatively is needed because of the high risk of hypoglycemia.

Long-term follow-up is needed because subsequent weight gain can cause a recurrence of diabetes.
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Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyWed 26 May 2010, 2:25 am

Wish her all the best!

BTW - by the way.....

Takes some getting use to this
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Number of posts : 52
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Location : Victoria - Country
Registration date : 2010-05-19

Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyWed 26 May 2010, 1:44 am

My wife is going to get the Lap band removed in about 2 hours in preparation for the "Big Sleeve" sometime down the track.
Cheers Overeating Post Operation 878453
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Number of posts : 52
Age : 62
Location : Victoria - Country
Registration date : 2010-05-19

Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyWed 26 May 2010, 1:38 am

Yes thankyou everyone. Wren, that was what I was really asking. Will I have control over the vommiting and I think the answer is Yes (I think). The other question my diabetes educator has not been able to answer is will I be able to eat enough food to keep my diabetes in check(not that it is at the moment anyway). The other thing if I may, Apart from being obese, I still (dont know how) have a large and defined musle bulk (what ever that means). I am quite strong. Believe me, what I have is well hidden). Will I loose all of this because I cant keep the right food up for my bodies requirements. I am certainly not concerned for a vanity reason, its more for my job.
Hope I am not asking too many questions and being a pain in the ars....butt.
ps - Wren, what does BTW mean. Sorry, I am a texting virgin...and dont plan to change. I cant even SEE the bloody letters on my phone let alone press them.

thank all Overeating Post Operation 787760
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Part of the furniture

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Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyTue 25 May 2010, 3:50 pm

Hey Cartay,

I was sleeved 2 months ago and have had problems overeating and vomiting. Its only usually if I eat too much. Its not like I start erupting vomit all over the place BTW, more that I am so extremely uncomfortable I usually self enduce. Sorry for that, but I sometimes wonder if people are concerned that they wont have any control over their vomiting. Its much like it is prior to surgery. getting better at eating only what I can fit in and taking it slowly. Think I am finally getting the hang of it. Hope the above helps. sorry for all the mental images!
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Part of the furniture

Number of posts : 433
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Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyTue 25 May 2010, 2:55 pm

Once again, wonderfully informative! Thanks to all who answer these q's - it certainly is a help to those that haven't been sleeved yet. By the time my surgery rolls around I'll be well equipped with knowledge.
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Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyTue 25 May 2010, 10:53 am

Hi FH,

I'm much more of a newbie than the learned ones who have already answered your question...but must agree with them. At nearly seven weeks post op I haven't vomited yet....although I have been very full at times -- including now...the reason I am full at the moment is because I had a big glass of water in about 30 minutes this afternoon, followed by a le snack packet of three biscuits and chesse followed by about a one inch square piece of a date and ginger slice (food eaten all in the past 90 mins). To start with, I am not really hungry most of the time. I'm eating because I know I need to and drinking because I'm not drinking enough. I'm averaging only about 600 calories a day so need to get it up a bit more...and really need to focus on protein. I am now eating meat, have had bread, rice -- haven't tried pasta yet, but more because when I do eat I'm trying to focus on the proteins...

Having the sleeve is a different experience...not like any diet I've previously been on. I'm not an ex-bander .. but have read a lot of stories re people who are. I appreciate the fact that I can eat just about anything...provided I chew it a lot, eat slowly and don't overeat...of course I am still on training wheels so I haven't yet had the full range of experiences that others have!

good luck

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Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyTue 25 May 2010, 6:27 am

if you over eat you will vomit. but very few people do this more than a few times. Imagine eating christmas dinner with all the trimmings THAT is how full you can feel after a meal when you have the sleeve. You need to learn the tricks to not get that full. Using a teaspoon, putting it down between bites, waiting at least a minute before putting more on the spoon. Chewing and then chewing some more. You do this initally so you learn to feeling of satisfied the point to stop BEFORE stuffed on christmas dinner. Some people learn it in a matter of a week, some take a few months. I am afraid men can be the worst offenders at putting way to big a mouthfuls in not chewing, or as I tell my husband attempting to swollow a cow whole hehehe. You see the difference between satisfied and full to bursting is a matter of a teaspoon or two. If you shoval your food to fast or do not chew so the food doesnt settle in there right you can miss notcing that okay stop now sign that everybody gets. BUT everybodies time to stop sign can be different. I know I had better stop right now if my nose starts to run BUT if I am shoveling at the rate of knots I may have shoved the next 2 spoons in then you are sick. Some people get the hiccups, some people just feel full. As I said very few people do in more than a few times. You just need to go slow at first until you work out how much fits. It is NOT forever you learn your triggers and you learn on sight oh that will fit in, I can eat a lamb chop 2 spoons of mashed potato a spoon of carrots and a spoon of green beans.

I know it can sound like a huge drama but it really isnt I think I have over eaten and thrown up 3 times, I eat at a normal pace and using normal knives and folks and have from a few months out. It is just a few short weeks or months depending on how stubborn you are hehehe then you get the hang of knowing when to stop and you are normal again unlike a life time of it with the band.

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Part of the furniture

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Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyTue 25 May 2010, 6:22 am

I have been sleeved 8 months and I have NEVER vomited. Unless you count immediately after surgery in recovery but I always vomit after surgery. lol

If you are very careful in the early stages and take things slowly and gradually build up each stage then you will have no problem. Mostly the vomiting is from eating too quickly, eating too much or drinking too soon after eating. There is nothing I can't eat and believe me I have tried everything from red meats, pasta, bread rolls, alcohol. I just listen to my body to look for signs. This takes a bit of practise at first but is now easy. The signs I get, and these can vary, are: a runny nose when I am nearly full or a funny hiccuppy burp when I eat to fast. Others have these but I have heard of different signs.
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Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyTue 25 May 2010, 6:21 am

I look at it like a full glass of water..... if you pour more into the glass it overflows...... so if you put more food into your tiny new tummy it will overflow... you will learn not to overeat as your body will give you signs that you are full and not to put anymore food into your mouth.....
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Number of posts : 52
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Overeating Post Operation Empty
PostSubject: Overeating Post Operation   Overeating Post Operation EmptyTue 25 May 2010, 6:11 am

Hi - My wife asked me a question last night that I never thought to ask this site. At the moment, it is so hard not to eat and have to vomit up food which is blocked by the Lap Band. What happens after a sleeve? Do you vomit? Any advice would be appreciated Cheers
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