Hi everyone,
Well I got the sleeve done on Monday 4/7/11...it took about 3 1/2 hours due to distortion of my stomach from the previous surgeries! It was a lot more painful this time which is to be expected and I have a redivac drain still insitu.
The Dr kept me in hospital till Thursday 7/7/11 due to the amount of fresh blood in the drain and let me come home with it and I have to ring him with updates on how much it is still oozing. Hopefully it is slowing down now and I can get it out on Monday.
Wind pain is what I feel mostly now and wish I could just stick a pin in my abdomen and let it fizz out!
I've gone from clear fluids to free fluids yesterday and progress weekly through to puree then normal diet, So a month post op and I should be eating normally yet restricted in volumes.
I'll keep you posted on my progress.
I have to work out how to do groovy graphs but starting weight was 107kg and yesterday I weighed 104.4kg but still fell like I;m caring some extra fluid. So looking forward to people seeing less of me!!!!